Article 1 – Scope of application

The present conditions of sale are concluded between French Teacher Homestay, a company in the process of incorporation, a structure organizing language immersion stays and any individual or legal entity, individual or professional wishing to engage in a service offered by French Teacher Homestay, accessible on the site frenchteacherhomestay.fr.

Article 2- Purpose

The general terms and conditions of sale define and govern the terms and conditions for the sale of language stays contracted with French Teacher Homestay to the exclusion of all other conditions.

Article 3 – Prices of immersion language stays and the services they include

The price of the stay is established on the site according to the options chosen.

Article 4 – Registration and reservation

The registration of the customer to the stays proposed by French Teacher Homestay will be effective after the order by the customer on the site frenchteacherhomestay.fr. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose by e-mail an authorization signed by both parents, as well as a copy of their health insurance during their stay in France.

Article 4.1 Reservation and full payment

The customer will be asked to make a reservation payment of 30% of the total cost of the stay when ordering. This advance payment can only be made via the website (secure payment). The remaining 70% will be paid to French Teacher Homestay at the beginning of your stay. French Teacher Homestay reserves the right to cancel the stay if the 70% payment is not made within 24 hours of the participant’s arrival.

Article 5 – Cancellation, postponement and refund

If the customer cancels or postpones the stay less than 30 days before the start of the agreed services, the 30% booking fee will not be refunded, except in cases of force majeure. If the participant cancels before the 30-day deadline, the advance payment will be reimbursed in full. If the postponement is requested before this 30-day period, the 30% may be retained by French Teacher Homestay for the purpose of booking other dates of stay.

If you have to shorten your stay due to force majeure, French Teacher Homestay will reimburse you on a pro rata basis.

French Teacher Homestay.fr reserves the right to cancel or shorten the stay in the event of force majeure and without delay. If the stay has not begun, the refund will be total. In the event of cancellation during the stay, the participant will be reimbursed on a pro rata basis.

Force majeure :

Serious illness



Natural disasters

Death of a loved one

6. Insurance

Our participants agree to take out an insurance policy covering cancellations, accidents, illness, injury, loss or theft of personal belongings and accidents involving third parties. We strongly recommend that you take out third-party liability insurance. French Teacher Homestay cannot assume, under any circumstances, responsibility for accidents or damage caused to third parties or to the property during the stay.